Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wow! What an exciting time to be a demonstrator! New catalog, new products, maybe even new colors.  I can't wait to see what is coming in June. BUT new stuff means making room and Stampin' Up is making room by "retiring" lots of stamp sets, so be sure to check out the list through the link on the left. Once the new catalog is released these stamps will never again be available! so if there is something you have been "thinking about" (on your Wish List) that is on the retiring list, GET IT NOW!!! I'm just saying. . .  For instance:

One of the retiring sets is my newest favorite, "Turtle & Co." I used two of the stamps with a pair of "Petite Pairs" sentiments to create this birthday card for our Wounded Warriors class just yesterday! It is SOOO cute. So hurry to the link and check out the Retired List - you have until May 31st to get those must haves before they are gone for good!